Shola Aur Shabnam is an action comedy drama. The movie follows the story of a girl named Divya (Divya Bharti), who is the daughter of IG of police and is in love with a college going boy, Karan (Govinda). However, Bali (Mohnish Behl), the spoiled brother of a notorious gangster Kali Baba (Gulshan Grover), also falls in love with Divya for which he frames Karan in a crime that he has not committed. To prove himself innocent he kidnaps Divya and tries to convince her but the two are chased by the goons of Kali Baba and Divya’s father. Being surrounded by the webs of their enemies from all sides, will the two be able to unite?
Movie Profile
Shola Aur Shabnam
Release Date
07 Feb 1992
Synopsis :
Star Cast