Bombay Talkies is a Bollywood drama that is an anthology of four short movies directed by different directors. The movie depicts how films influence the lives of different people in society. The first film – Ajeeb Dastaan Hai Yeh is about a gay man who is dealing with his sexuality but hasn’t come out of the closet. The second film – Star is about a struggling actor who meets the spirit of his mentor that changes his point of view. The third film – Sheila Ki Jawaani is about a 12-year-old boy who aspires to be a Bollywood dancer but faces opposition from his father. The fourth film – Murabba is about a man who wants to fulfill his dying father’s wish to meet Amitabh Bachchan and offers and feeds him homemade ‘murabba’.
Movie Profile
Bombay Talkies
Release Date
03 May 2013
2 hrs 0 mins
Synopsis :
Star Cast