Hukumat is an action revenge drama. The movie follows the story of an upright daredevil cop Arjun Singh (Dharmendra), who is sent to a town, Shanti Nagar, for a mission. Shanti Nagar has been under the police radar for all the doubtful activities going there. Reaching there, he finds out that the city is ruled by a wealthy businessman Deena Nath (Sadashiv Amrapurkar), who has terrorized the town to make things easier for him. Arjun realizes that Deena Nath is none other than the criminal who murdered his father. Now with the enmity getting personal, Arjun makes it his mission to end Deena Nath. Will he succeed in his mission?
Movie Profile
Release Date
27 Mar 1987
, , ,
2 hrs 28 mins
Synopsis :
Star Cast
Shantketan Films
Domestic Box Office Collection (Crores INR)