Born Satinder Kumar Khosla and known by his screen name Birbal, was a veteran seasoned comedian actor who worked in Hindi and Punjabi, Bhojpuri, and Marathi language films in his six-decade long career. Born in Gurdaspur, Punjab in 1938, he made his acting debut in Raj Khosla’s Mera Saaya in 1966 and thereon worked in over 500 films as a supporting actor. Some of his memorable performances were in films such as Hamraaz, Duniya, Aradhana, Do Raaste, Kati Patang, Mera Gaon Mera Desh, Roti Kapada Aur Makaan, Sholay, Karz, Dostana, etc. His last released film was 10 Nahi 40 in 2022. He breathed his last in Mumbai at the age of 84 on 12 September 2023.
Celebrity Profile
Birbal (Birbal Khosla)
Real Name
Satinder Kumar Khosla
Date of Birth
28 Oct 1938
Date of Death
12 Sep 2023
About Celebrity :
Filmography :
Star Cast (30)
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