Mera Muqaddar is an action drama. The movie follows the story of a wealthy man named Vijay (Kulbhushan Kharbanda), who falls in love with a poor girl named Shanti (Aruna Irani). However, when a watchman who used to work for Vijay, Rukka (Prem Chopra), learns about this love story, he decides to exact revenge from Vijay, who threw him out of his office when he caught him stealing. Rukka informs this to Shanti’s brother, who sets out to fight Vijay. In the fight, Shanti’s brother gets killed accidentally. Vijay’s mother asks him to leave the town immediately. Later, Shanti gives birth to Shankar (Amrit Raj) and moves to a different city. Years later, Shankar returns and starts to work for Vijay not knowing that he is his father. Will the father-son duo finally unite after years?
Movie Profile
Mera Muqaddar
Release Date
26 Jun 1987
, , ,
2 hrs 20 mins
Synopsis :
Star Cast
Inderjeet Films