Ravindra Shyamnarayan Shukla, popularly known as Ravi Kishan, is an Indian actor, politician, film producer and television personality, who predominantly works in Bhojpuri and Hindi films. He is said to be one of the most popular people of Bhojpuri film industry and in June 2008, he was awarded the Most Popular Actor award at the ETV Bhojpuri Cinema Samman 2008 function. He started his acting career with the 1992 action drama Pitambar, co-starring Mithun Chakraborty and Raza Murad. He has also acted in movies like Zakhmi (1994), Army (1996), Keemat (1998), Tere Naam (2003), Aan: Men at Work (2004), Phir Hera Pheri (2006), Luck (2009), Raavan (2010), Agent Vinod (2012) and many more. He is married to Priti Kishan, with whom he has four children.
Celebrity Profile
Ravi Kishan (Ravi Kishan Shukla, Ravi Kisan, Ravi Kissen, Ravi Kissan)
Real Name
Ravindra Shyamnarayan Shukla
Date of Birth
17 Jul 1971
About Celebrity :
Filmography :
Star Cast (34)
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