The Indian actor, dancer, voice artist and comedian, Syed Jaaved Ahmed Jaaferi, better known as Jaaved Jaaferi, was born to the comedian Jagdeep. He has dubbed voices for a number of Walt Disney characters in Hindi. He started his acting career in Bollywood with Meri Jung (1985), and also sung the song ‘Bol Baby Bol Rock-N-Roll’ in the film. Other important movies of his career include Jajantaram Mamantaram (2003), Dhamaal (2007), Singh Is Kinng (2008), Salaam Namaste (2005), 3 Idiots (2009), Bang Bang! (2014), Sooryavanshi (2021) and many more. He married actress Zeba Bakhtiar in 1989, but they separated in 1990. Later, in 1991, he married Habiba Jaffrey, with whom he has four children, including actor Meezaan Jafri.
Celebrity Profile
Jaaved Jaaferi (Javed Jaffrey, Javed Jafferi, Jaaved Jaaffery, Javed Jaffery, Javed Jafri)
Real Name
Syed Javed Ahmed Jaffrey
Date of Birth
04 Dec 1963
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About Celebrity :
Filmography :
Star Cast (35)
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